Emergency Plumbers in Chamblee
Emergency Plumbers in Chamblee
Emergency Plumbers in Chamblee

Emergency Plumbers in Chamblee, GA

Having a clogged toilet can become quite stressful because it is a necessity. Finding someone available to fix your problem urgently may be challenging. Many people do not have a plumber on speed dial. The main questions that must be answered before going through an emergency plumbing service are; is it an emergency? If so, what caused this leak? Is this problem repairable? Will you need to call emergency numbers during the night? We are emergency plumbers in Chamblee and are happy to help.

Yes, you can call us, and we will send a 24-hour plumber in Chamblee. All our team members have been in the industry for years and are experienced with plumbing repair and diagnosis at any time of the day or night.

What Is Considered a Plumbing Emergency?

A plumbing emergency is something that needs immediate attention. A clogged toilet is the most common plumbing emergency, but many other things can go wrong with your plumbing system. Keep our contact information available in your contact list. You never know when you will need it. A plumbing emergency can be anything from an overflowing toilet to a clogged drain or even a burst pipe. What constitutes an actual plumbing emergency will depend on the situation at hand.

Can a Clogged Toilet Be an Emergency?

If your toilet becomes clogged, it can cause backups into other parts of your home or even overflow onto your property if not taken care of immediately by a professional plumber like us. A clogged toilet may seem like no big deal at first glance, but if it goes on too long, it can cause major problems. If you're not careful, the water can back into your home and cause mold, mildew damage, and flooring and carpeting. All of this can be avoided by calling a nearby local plumber right away!

Is a Water Leak an Emergency?

Water leaks are more than just an inconvenience; they can also be costly if left unattended for too long. Water damage can cause extensive damage to your property and everything in it over time if not repaired immediately after detection. That's why it's important to call our emergency plumbers immediately if you suspect a water leak somewhere in your home or office building!

What Should You Do If You Have a Leak?

The last thing you want to do is ignore a leak. A small leak can become a big problem if it isn't fixed quickly and correctly. The following tips will help you identify and repair a plumbing problem before it worsens.

Turn Off the Water

The first step in any plumbing problem is to turn off the water at its source. This may be as simple as turning off the main valve or could involve shutting off individual valves in your home. Make sure you know where these are located to shut them off quickly if an emergency arises.


Take pictures of the leaking faucet or toilet, especially in hard-to-reach places such as behind cabinets or under sinks. This will help when you call our plumbers because they can see exactly what needs to be replaced and how much work will be involved with repairs. If possible, also take measurements of the area around the leak so that your plumber knows what size pipes he needs to replace when fixing the issue.

Notify Insurance Company

If you have homeowner's insurance, call your agent or company immediately to send out an adjuster to inspect the damage and determine whether or not they'll cover any losses resulting from this incident (like if your home was flooded). It's also important to let them know exactly what happened so that they have all of the relevant information when determining whether or not they will cover your repairs and replacement costs as part of their policy's coverage for damages caused by leaks and other accidents at your home.


Find the Source of the Leak

If the leak comes from inside the house, turn off all water sources and check all faucets and appliances for drips or leaks. The source could be as simple as a loose handle or a worn seal that needs replacing. If its coming from outside your home, turn off all outside faucets and check for leaks under any pipes that lead into the house.

Fix the Leak

Once you've discovered where the leak is coming from, it's time to fix it! If the leak is small enough that you can fix it yourself with tools you already have around the house, go for it! Just make sure you know how to shut off all water sources before attempting any repairs yourself otherwise, there could be major flooding later on! If your problem is bigger than what you can handle, call our emergency plumbers immediately so they can resolve it quickly.

Call the Professionals

Here are some tips that can help you determine whether your plumbing issue is an emergency, or whether to wait until a more convenient time for resolution. Water leak detection is one of the most common problems that occur within a plumbing system, particularly those related to faucets. Call our Chamblee emergency plumbers if you have a leak that you suspect needs an emergency resolution.

Reasons to Work With Us

Upfront Pricing

Upfront Pricing

Never Overtime Charges

Never Overtime Fees

Emergency Service

24-Hour Emergency Service

Locally & Family Owned

Locally & Family Owned

We Will Bill Your Insurance Company

Your Insurance Will Be Billed Directly

30 Minutes Response TIme

30-Minutes Response Time

Licensed & Certified

Licensed & Certified Technicians

Free In-House Estimates

Free In-House Estimates

Flexible Schedule Times

Flexible Schedule Times

24-Hour Emergency Service

Call us Before Calling Your Insurance Company

We offer FREE assistance to submit your claim to maximize your insurance coverage.